I’ve decided I am binary. I seem to have two looks.
One is an ‘on’ look – things are going well and one is an ‘off’ look – things are not going so well.
I know this because when I meet James Green in the stairwell at school and I am sporting my ‘off’ look, he tells me so and then ends the conversation by saying, “But, it’s early days.”
Is it? September doesn’t feel that far away.
Is it reasonable at this stage to still not have a two minute pitch? In a pub, if someone asks what your masters is all about, should you still be ducking out by offering to buy a round instead? Can my wallet support my ‘pitch-free’ status?
Anyway, today is my birthday so I am cutting myself some slack. I am having trifle for breakfast and not taking off my pajamas or ‘on’ look for the remainder of the day.
James Green’s two minute pitch: