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Doctor’s appointment this morning so got up earlier than usual. This means a lovely walk along by the cow-field in the fresh air, crows perched on the railings. Overcast skies remind me of a dream I had last night about getting out of the subway at 40th St to get to M’s house. In the dream, it’s drizzling, so I huddle inside my coat. Suddenly it’s a downpour and I’m running to M’s place. Then it’s a disaster movie and there are twin tornadoes heading straight at me. I’m on his street but wake up, heart pounding, before I get to the door….

This is probably related to the fact that I have started packing my tiny suitcase for the USA, which is exciting but also nervewracking. Rolling up all my summer clothes (no need for them in York, UK!) into tight bundles feels like coiling up my energies ready to spring into action in Philadelphia. Hmm.

You know how the Americans have medical names for every slightly difficult emotional state? Near the end of a brilliant exchange programme in painting at the Cooper Union, NYC, I told my tutor that I was having trouble concentrating. He said, ‘you’re suffering from transition anxiety, I get it myself’. Wow. Funny thing was that his diagnosis made me feel much better. Think I’m having a spell of T.A. today. It seems pointless to do much in the UK since I have only 3 weeks left, but it really is too early to pack or to make too many Philadelphia plans with friends.

ART: Yesterday I drew! My creative streak continues.

ON MY WEBSITE: new blog post about pinhole photography, something I intend to try very soon. Will update here with photos if I do…