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Finally I have taken the plunge to ‘go frameless’ and it seems to work well in my current show, ‘The Vivid Gaze’. The exhibition is actually in a bistro, not a gallery; I’ve never shown work in this type of venue before, and was a little hesitant when they first asked me, but it’s proved a great way of getting the work seen by loads of people. People keep coming up to me and giving feedback about the show, which can be really interesting.

Regular readers will have noticed that I’ve had a 6-month ‘sabbatical’ from blogging. Somehow I felt a need to become very quiet and private with regard to my work, and my relationship to the art world (in its wider sense). I had begun to feel a bit conflicted with the aspect of being an artist that involves using words rather than paint, and particularly with anything to do with marketing. But of course some marketing is essential if you want to encourage the flow of work through and out of the studio, whilst earning enough money to keep going… It’s a problematic area for me just at the moment.

And my website,, is ages out of date, because I need to spend a lot of time and probably money on reconfiguring access to it (ever since I got a new laptop there has been a problem, and even the geekiest friends have admitted being stumped about how to solve it, after hours of trying…). I resolve to somehow get it sorted this month though!