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The dog that hangs around (and jellyfish that have minds)

An idea that may or may not involve hanging a dog from the ceiling, which ceiling I am not so sure. Not this ceiling it is too high. Not just any ceiling though.

If I recall the landscape has no proximity to primary colours. Instead it is full of muted dampened washes reminiscent of my bad watercolour days and lazy brush strokes. Want I want to instil are reds and bright whites that are alien to the landscape just as I am alien to this city.

An action or happening for story

Using a spherical lamp shade – as an object out of context and therefore rendered entirely in its own right with its own defining properties – carefully stuffed with helium filled balloons (enough gas for it to float in the sky).

This will be a dramatic act that goes beyond the confines of the “room” (thanks Virginia Wolf) that is or would be a studio – restricted by the city – beyond in to empty and explorative space that matches that of the mind.

Why photographs and not film

It is important when performing for yourself and your camera to extract the live element and leave it within the real time experience. Film and its motion picture quality, even in a digital sense, tells a lie. It pretends to be live and manufactures a bad quality dummy experience. Still photographs taken in quick succession is more appropriate. In this the actuality of film is dealt with and the animated quality becomes a work in its own right made up of fractions and snippets from the real time event. This is more explorative when it comes to editing too.

Live conference with oceanarium jellyfish on how to float properly in the expanse of space.