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As you enter the space you find yourself in a narrow corridor. To your left is a dark space where a video triptych is playing, to your right the corridor is lined with framed drypoint prints and around the far corner you can make out the sounds of a carousel slide projector and a radio playing…

The model shows the larger of the two spaces I’ve been allocated for the show; the room on the left is existing, the other dividing walls I will have to build to create the corridor space and smaller room where the slide projector will show slides of interior details.

For scale the near lefthand wall is 8 feet square.

The smaller space downstairs I will use to either show the drypoint plates in lightboxes, time permitting, or I may make another video specifically for the space.

We also have a shared corridor which will be used as a showcase for all of us, I’ll probably show some large prints on aluminium of the photographs showing elsewhere.

The second attached image is of the 16 drypoints which I framed today.