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Finally got there. The longest six months after the longest night. A visual reminder, my vote of thanks to those who work at night and whose efforts are essential to smooth running our daytime lives. Clean up, answer the phone, work in hospitals, drive, police, entertain, deliver food, undertake. Often forgotten.

Unpredictability. Despite the latest Canon technology and giving it a trial run the photographer found the light levels still too low to get a good exposure. A couple of placard bearers got whisked away onto work duty and despite weeks of testing the waterproof glue used to attach some of the photos to the placards bubbled up in the cold. The horror. It was all a tryout, one that might or might not work.

Failed to get to grips with how to use Facebook as publicity. I have been building up a group of friends and followers expressly for this purpose. I couldn’t, and still can’t work out how to add photo’s and details to the council/White Night fb page. Perhaps I will defy all and use Twitter as headline promo next time.

By working, and continuously discussing the work with the team of Fabrica volunteers it has shown me how convoluted my process has become. Too planned, not open to chance. I’ve made taking a simple photograph into a long word and process game. The refining and distillation needed to write the blog’s shows me that this isn’t necessary. I should have confidence in my intuition, and just get on with it. Cut the blather.