Apologies! Finally got round to posting and realised its been 2 months! I have a valid excuse however, as i have been busy producing work and hanging a new show in the gallery www.annaclucas.com. Katie Martin has left for bigger and better things so we are back to sharing responsibities amongst the management team (promotion!). I have been extended for an extra 6 months to allow the gallery to tie the residency year with the financial year so alongside working and planning for my august exhibition i am mulling over ideas for the following 6 months: possibly working on a PHD proposal. However, this has also resulted in a reduction in hours and income so the printing of work has slowed again. Got approx 30 prints done last week and they are all now labelled and framed as finished exhibition pieces which is very exciting. I am going to apply for a framing grant but gear it towards printing if possible as I am recycling second hand frames. (Not because im cheap but because the aesthetic works really well with the images)
Unfortunately the heritage foundation felt unable to support my funding application for the book (no reasons or feedback given) so i have been looking into self publishing and found that amazon looks to be a viable option. I have created a rough copy in blurb for entry to the Dummy awards and am currently awaiting arrival before I send it of and cross my fingers!
The website has not progressed although i am now researching photo blogs and considering that for the images as it may be easier to support the hundreds of images.