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It has to be reflected on, it’s something which has been bothering me rather a lot lately and yes, it’s all because I have been neglecting to blog.

It was extremely difficult to write, concentrate and reflect on what my intentions were this semester all down to the distraction of moving house. I seem to have under estimated the time, energy and sheer frustration it can and has caused!

I know it shouldn’t be an excuse, but I am able to recognise it has had a negative impact on this semesters in put from me.

So… time to make up for the short fall, I think it’ll be a difficult task to fill in all the blanks so I’ll start on my more recent developments.

This semester work is largely based on identity… I felt as a continuation from my work last semester I should use and run with the theme, I touched on the fragility and vulnerability of the human condition through a lot of experimentation with materials last term. This term I wanted to start with a strong idea, do less experimentation with materials and explore the representation of identity or in this case the complex, multiple and fractured identity many of us have to juggle with in our everyday lives. My starting point was a full head cast, this time I’m not using my own face or head, I wanted this to be a subjective offering and not so much an intrinsic experience, I felt it maybe mis-interpreted as a biographical piece if it was another cast of me!! or even worse I might get the reputation of being self obsessed. So, I borrowed a cast from the special effects department, a man, who I’ll christen “Dave”… I have no idea who this cast is of, which is a bit of a paradox as my work is about identity.

Taking inspiration from Eduardo Poalozzi’s heads, segmented and fractured to form abstract shapes but still retain the form of a human head…

I intend to cut the head into sections and manipulate them to create a fragmented representation of the human head…

These images are of the first head I did today, nothing is fixed at this point as I’m still trying out different arrangements.