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How to write the worst blog ever. This is a technique my husband employs to ‘blue sky’ – a corporate term which replaced brainstorming and is now no doubt been superseded by some other fresh new buzzword, (come to think of it buzzword’s properly gone too). Blue skies are a rarity if you come from Belfast and a rarity in my head too I fear. At the moment my thinking is less blue and more somewhat cloudy. Artwork has been squeezed out by endless time spent e-mailing and on the phone wrestling with the task of agreeing dates between a number of paid projects and matching them up with childcare. As everyone’s lives are so busy no one can agree on dates and as such I seem to be spending 10 times as much time trying to organise projects as work on them. (Alas this brings in very little in the way of pay).

Actually this isn’t entirely true, there have been a couple of glimpses of the sun between the clouds. On Sunday I had the most fascinating afternoon. While everyone was enjoying Easter Sunday lunch, I was sitting drinking tea with the CSI officer in Salisbury police station, going through the painstaking process of investigating and documenting a murder. An odd day to do it admittedly but the CSI officer could only fit me in on that day as sadly they have been swamped with work from a major incident in Swindon recently. I must say actually that this is research and although I haven’t kept my blog up recently, nothing sinister has occurred. The officer, through a mutual friend, kindly agreed to contribute to my research detailing how evidence is documented and presented at a domestic crime scene. All this will hopefully emerge in a body of work, ideally for the proposed show in Salisbury, but if not for elsewhere. The CSI officer couldn’t have been kinder and I left with a wealth of information that could happily feed my work for some time to come. I can’t thank them enough and it was an afternoon I’ll never forget. The other break in the clouds was the completion of the video installation for the Salisbury Festival. Yeh I did I did it, – that sucker took me to technical hell and back, the burner has incidentally packed up and died but finally, with the help of a portable DVD player borrowed from a friend the DVDs are burnt and ready for exhibition. The hours I have spent editing that piece I don’t even want to guess at. As it involves an interaction between two screens, it obviously can’t be uploaded to Vimeo or simply posted on a DVD to galleries so has anyone any bright ideas about presenting an for application?

Oh yeah, the first sentence of this blog, the idea is that to create the best of something you design how to make the very worst of it and then do the opposite. The reason this phrase came to mind is because my blog is beginning to tick everything that you are advised not to do in blogs. You know what though – that’s the great thing about blogs- stuff the rules!