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Today I tested out an idea for the first time. An idea which I hope to establish as a an integral part of the Blue Monkey Network: the idea of Skills Swaps.

This week I’m installing some work in a temporary space. Normally I can rely on the help of the other ‘Monkeys, but this time, for various reasons, they’re all unavailable and I realised this morning that there are certain things I’m just not going to be able to do with only one pair of hands.

I decided to try a mail-out to the Blue Monkey mailing list: “Hello Everyone,
If anyone has got a couple of hours to spare in the next few days, I could seriously do with some capable hands to help me set up my installation at the Big Blue Building in Seaside. I would of course be more than happy to reciprocate by offering time/skills in kind in the future. Give me a call if you can help. Thanks! Judith”

So far I’ve had 5 replies – 3 positive and 2 apologetic, and I have helpers tomorrow and Wednesday which should be enough to do all the tricky bits. Fantastic! How lovely to be part of a community of artists who are prepared to share their skills. How much more we can achieve by working together.