Exhaustion has led to me not updating my blog – apologies.

The New Ferry Butterfly Park Open Day last week was fantastic, the caravan was finished in time and the day went really well.

Amazingly well, we had over 500 visitors during the afternoon.

Our local MP, Alison McGovern opened the caravan visitor centre officially and really seemed to love all the work, which is great.

My lecturers came and one of the ladies from my MA course, an old family relative I’d never met that my dad hadn’t seen for 50 years turned up after finding out about it on facebook – quite remarkable.

Lots of the local shops sponsored the day in some way and so many of the people attending lived close by and yet still I had people saying ‘I never even knew this place existed’.

The headmistress of the school that i have been doing all the workshops with came by and loved seeing all their work in one place. I recognised a good few of the kids too.

A few people approached me about doing art workshops in their schools and I’ve made some great contacts for workshops in the park over the summer.

The artists all got their work up for the trail in time and ALL of them looked fabulous, so many positive comments flying around.

4 of the art stall holders let me down, one I knew about a few weeks before which was absoloutely fine, 2 let me know a few days before and one just didn’t bother turning up, how rude! When I emailed her afterwards to check all was ok I got a one line email saying, ‘sorry got my dates mixed up’…..that was it.

As it happens the artists who did come along were all so good we didn’t need the others, the work on the tables was beautiful and I just wish I had some money left to actually buy some for myself.

The caravan did look really professional by the end,(unrecognisable compared to when I started) some friends came to help that last 2 days for one last push and one (thanks Julie) stayed with me til midnight the night before to help with the artifying of it all.

It was very well used during the day, lots more childrens drawings to add to our display folders. Success and such a relief!!!!

I have spent all week trying to recover but amidst a hospital visit (I dropped a table on my foot on the open day), work, a studio Open night (light night)and making work for a charity fundraising day and a *different* charity art auction I failed to succeed with any rest so this week I will mainly be catching up with some sleep.