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So here I am, fresh from degrees unedited, joining the grown-ups.

I had expected to be doing this sometime this year but not quite yet; however, contributing to Artisterium 4 seemed like a worthwhile project to document and share and I have quickly made the transition from degree show and graduate show to the world of funding applications and researching packaging and air freighting companies. An e-mail earlier today tells me that my funding application has been successful so the project is on.

Artisterium is a Tbilisi-based annual event comprised of international art exhibitions, individual art projects and seminars, educational and cultural programs.

My work has been selected, along with that of an established artist from Wales and we have been allocated an exhibition hall 8m x 40m. A space that size is a major step up from degree show standard, an exciting opportunity and a challenge too.

I know how I would like to deal with the space given unlimited resources; however, this is the real world and a pragmatic solution is required so the work will be an expansion of an existing body of work based around the universal need for shelter.

Details to follow…