Viewing single post of blog Invisible City – New work in Schiedam

Wednesday 31 August

Notes from my sketchbook today:

41cm down, 48 cm in

Reposition the camera? – Ceiling Mounted?

Screws into wall?
Camera mount on front
Screen off doors
Hardware shop/screws, washers, plugs

List of things I still need:
Cable ties (tick)
Permission to mount the camera on the bracket above the pipe

Screws, Washers, plugs (crossed off)
Check I have enough rice paper/fabric for a 1.5m frame?
Tiny screw for attaching to dowel (crossed out)

Also to do.
Series of 1 minute videos from same location e.g Schiedam Centrum. Rush hour/daytime/nighttime
Ideas about including architectural elements from elsewhere in Schiedam in the interior drawings.

Generosity of other artists for tools and wood.

So full of ideas, places to respond to.

Rice paper How To:
Paint frames
Glue paper (should be sandwiched betwen 2 frames)
When glue has dried, spray each screen with water
Blow warm air until it tightens
Tape Temporarily
Straighten roll of paper
trim once dry
if any wrinkles or sagging spray lightly with water on the wrinkled area.

Rice paper drying.

Passages from J. Tanizaki;s In Praise of Shadows

—>Shadows, Half light, Shoji Screens
= Ryoanji screens
Interesting how I keep returning to materials and methods.

Cables – lay across front for screens
lay inside for back wall
Staple fabric to frame.

Something I didn’t think of. Projector does not project large enough to cover the screens–>

(Drawing of how projection does not fit – later overlaid with a possible solution)

Could project smaller panels? Like in novas (can then slice em up and take em home)

Tonight: make some tests with pencil, pen ink, grey ink drawing on all 3 substrates.
for use on/with architectural details

Am I putting too much/too many processes into these 3 days.
Good to take the opportunity to experiment in a space.

—>I work best in response to a space.