Viewing single post of blog Invisible City – New work in Schiedam

So it’s 12 hours since I started making work this morning and I think i’ve accomplished a lot and resolved some of my earlier thoughts about trying to do too many things. I am doing lots of things, but I am refining them into separate pieces of work and revisiting methods and processes from other pieces of work – i’m not inventing, i’m recycling and refining.

As I mentioned earlier, i’ve resolved the problem of a too-small projection by using a mirror to reflect the image and extend the projection distance – genius! I’ll use that again.

I have tightened the rice paper on my screens by damping it and blow drying with my tiny, tiny hairdryer. I’ve also made sure that they fit securely and tidily in the doorway

For the rest of the afternoon i’ve been going through my photos of Schiedam street furniture and making some sketches. I’ve scaled them up and cut some stencils for me to rub graphite powder through onto one of the drawing surfaces i’ll use tomorrow.

The drawings that I will make will be too large to send home I think, but I have made some smaller studies that i’m really happy with and I think will look good framed, so that is something else that I had been wondering about that is sorted.

A brass band has just arrived in the space to rehearse for tomorrow – it’s amazing the breadth of things going on here, yet the crossovers that there are between different art works and different disciplines is amazing. It will be really interesting to see how everything comes together across the weekend.

Only 23 hours and 40 minutes left…