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Yesterday I took down the Last Gallery show, a day on the road.

Today I:

Carefully packed the 3 huts from the show, they’ll accompany me as hand luggage (the main body of work, 16 huts, has arrived at the State Art Academy in Tbilisi, despite a hiccup at customs. Installation will begin on the 25th October).

Built an additional shelter for a group show at a local contemporary gallery.

Discussed details for the joint workshop with Lois Williams for the final year students at the State Art Academy. I’m new to this game but we all have to start somewhere. The working title is ‘memory, materials, metaphor’.

E-mailed CV and statement for a local site specific event at the end of November. The event gave me a sleepless night, this will be the first true body of work produced with no connection to work produced for the BA and time is tight with less than 3 weeks from the Tbilisi event and a busy time at my other job. How I perform without the benign environment of college for support will be interesting to discover and crucial for the future.

The next few days will be spent sorting currency and finalising the workshop details and presentation then I’ll be quiet for a few days.

A full report on Artisterium with pics to follow.