May be OMFG, says it better!
The blockage that is holding up this project does appear to easing and I have been told to expect a contract next week. I have also been asked to submit final designs to be signed off for approvals. This means the rearrangement of some lettering, no great shakes there.
I feel Von Luger’s posse hunting me down, but I’m still free for a little while yet.
This news arriving on the same day as the offer as Lead Artist on a fantastic project that I so want in my portfolio. I really won this job with submission and interviews and its just a dream come true working with Hamshire + Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. It’s a no brainer as portfolio and career development go and I said yes that’s marvelous news and recieved a confirmation letter today.
2 days after the death of Col. Gaddaffi and the stability of Europe again top of news….and anti-capitalist protesters still camping outside St. Pauls Cathedral. These are interesting times we are living through and it’s looking like I’ll busy busy over the winter and into next year.