My blog is slowly fading into the ether. I’m not sure thisis the best way to go. But the work of establishing the studios remains unfinished until the case is resolved. To date we are waiting for disclosure from the other side. Both parties have to disclose documents in relation to the case which the other side does not possess. For example, we have provided our correspondance to the council re planning. The Harrington Factory Company were supposed to give us a list of the documents over a month ago. They have missed two deadlines. By this stage they are also supposed to supply copies of documents too. We wait. On a lighter note we are looking forward to open studios. In particular we are proud to host a show by Chun Chun Hee and Mary Ellen Croteau from Art on Armitage, chicago. It’s been great catching up with the artists and they are enjoying the rolling countryside of Notts. We are holding a TAG sale this year sellling off old work at reduced prices. Hopefully we will make a happy chrsitmas for artists and buyers alike.
Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham
Projects unedited blog by Jackie Berridge