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I haven’t blogged for a while so here goes. This blog will be about the work I do as an artist and about what constitutes an artist’s everyday, from my subjective viewpoint but which hopefully will resonate with a few readers out there.

To kick off, here are some notes about today:

Morning: knitting a few rows and completing a pennant of woolly bunting as part of DAD’s Bunting Forever project http://www.dadonline.eu/node/332

Afternoon: Went to the opening of Mike Marshall’s New Works at Stour Valley Arts, Ashford. Did lots of talking.

Really liked the work – the in focus, out of focus play, the use of sound, and the way the artist reminds the viewer of his presence; also the way the work seemed to be about holding an object up for attention and the way our attention is held.

Late afternoon: stuck behind the computer doing non-art work