Viewing single post of blog THE QUEEN OF HUNGARY PROJECT SPACE

A Project Space trip out to view St Margaret’s Church, Cley. This was to provide a context for the inaugural Queen of Hungary talk on the 24th. Isabel Vasseur will, amongst other things, discuss her vision and approach to curating a show in and around St Margaret’s. Stephanie and I met up with artist Frances Kearney in the interior, who has a personal perspective on the building and stories to tell of it.

The church is beautiful, full of wrathful and comic carved beasties on pews, in niches and on parapets – full of myth, mystery and damnation. The arches are splendid and stonework looks filigree delicate with a sense of wear and erosion over everything. Standing on the high ground behind the church, it was easy to imagine the old, old harbour and the ships that would have bustled and busied just below the church. All grass, road and some houses now.

The grey sky became too grey for us to explore the coastal, marshy strip that will also form part of the exhibition.

It will be fascinating to see how the show shapes up and moulds itself into the niches.