I ended spending more time on the talk “German Romantics, Minimalism and the Sublime” than I had anticipated and continued to edit it until the Wednesday night before the talk. Some of the editing became quite vicious as a result of re-thinking how to best get the story over. The talk was well received at Bangor U3A with good questions being fielded by the group (~ 140 people) plus a lot of very positive feedback after the talk. I like the ‘questions’ part of presenting where you have nothing to draw upon but your wits… it gives me a buzz. The next outing for the talk was to Beaumaris, Probus on the following Monday. This was a smaller group (~30) and again they produced some good questions, including one which stimulated an idea for a piece of work.
I started the build of “Stone in a Sea of Fog” just over a week ago on November 14 and today I have completed the first-fit of the lead sheathing and it now has its 4 corners clad. The use of a sub-frame covered in ply was definitely the way to go. As well as being lighter than MDF, it resulted in a symmetrical structure which made the sheathing operation a lot more straightforward. I prepared paper patterns first and then used these to cut the lead sheet. Unfortunately I have to go back to the builder’s merchant tomorrow to get more lead, as the rolls were under the specified width…something to check in future. The remaining fit should be simpler as I only need to cut the lead to the width of the four remaining gaps.