PM Gallery & House
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
PM Gallery & House Walpole Park Mattock Lane Ealing London W5 5EQ

‘The near and the elsewhere’ is an exhibition based on current financial events and the global downturn, looking at failed spaces and abandoned architecture. It explores the constant upheaval of developing cities and the shrinking personal space available to their inhabitants. Combining photography, painting, film and installation, the exhibition focuses on the daily battles of metropolitan living and the defiant stands that the singular citizen makes against greater economic forces. EXHIBITING ARTISTS: Francis Alÿs, Sarah Beddington, James Casebere, Thomas Demand, Greg Girard, Gregor Graf, Noel Jabbour, Ferit Kuyas, Edgar Martins, Gaia Persico, Peter Piller, Sara Ramo, Rachel Whiteread, Michael Wolf, Cino Zucchi Architetti