Viewing single post of blog Shard End: Place and People

My photographic practice doesn’t normally focus on individuals and groups of people. I am normally comfortable documenting urban, rural and coastal subjects looking at human interaction with these places such as graffitti, litter, man made structures, town planning etc. This project builds on work I started in Bordeaux when I photographed artists, shop keepers and people. This was outside my comfort zone as I tend to shy away from doing portraits.

A central component to this project involves engaging with people who live and work in Shard End and getting their permission to take photographs. So far I have taken photo’s of the Catholic and Church of England clegy, the coffee morning group at All Saints C of E church and the pensioners group who meet at Aylesford Hall. I have permission to take photos of local police team, the sea cadets, the metal detecting club and the local primary schools. I still have a lot of groups to do as well as open public drop in sessions to organise. I have been touched by how people have been supportive of the project and who have agreed to take part.

I will also be documenting the places, buildings and public spaces in Shard End which is something that I am more familiar with. I will update you with my progress as the project develops and images are produced.

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