London venue
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
not confirmed yet

Feeding the Jaguar Workshopan experience to show gratitude, creativity and communion. One day workshop, a highly integrated and collaborative artwork into the creation of an indigenous infused original art.”Feeding the Jaguar” focus on the embodiment of personal time, memories and offerings.We will explore a visual language of a personal spiritual vision, an opportunity to weave a tapestry of memories with flowers, seeds and fruits.This workshop intend to cultivate the soil of creativity and imagination,to sow into this fertile land our seeds of gratitude for the blessing of being alive.We will nourish our souls through making art,bringing spiritual refreshment as well as fostering inspiration and creativity. I hope this workshop will enrich your life and give you a deeper sense of the sacredness inherent in this spiritual art, to activate a positive psychological and emotional response.