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I had no idea it had been so long. Fifteen days. Far too little work is getting done round here.

I am up to my ears in admin. for things and facilitating everyone else as usual.

If I could only find gainful employment doing that all would be well and my work /life balance would be sorted.

My work on ‘Massacre’ is done; working with the moth wings from under a bat roost. It was slow, tiring, concentrated and very time consuming but I do feel that I have memorialised them and marked what happened in that space.

I am hoping the title will allow the viewer to find their own way into humanitarian parallels…………

Now just to organise photography and framing…..this time I aim to employ a photographer. I want to see if a professional photographer can help. My work tends to be delicate and repetitive. I aim to draw my viewer in to approach right up to the work itself.

Photography is always an issue for me. Details are great but the overall image can be hard to read and certainly tends to have limited visual impact.

The biggest problem is that when entering open submissions it isn’t always possible to offer a detail.

Will be good if he can offer me some ideas.