ve been told that I won’t get any funding from the university to help with my degree show project. This could mean that I can’t make what I want to for the show. I will however carry on with it for now (I’m looking at colours for the walls at the moment), but I will also keep in mind any other ideas I have that could be more affordable. One such idea I had been hoping to try out this weekend but laziness, procrastination and bad weather have prevented me.
I want to see how people outside of a controlled, safe environment, such as a gallery, react to directions. I am going to go to Queens Park in Brighton and tie arrows to the trees and see who follows them. It’s a fairly simple project, and mostly just too see what happens. I’m trying to work out how appealing and obvious to make the arrows, at the moment they are just cardboard and could be easily missed. So I think I will make them bright fluorescent colours. I also want to try this at the weekend when there will be more people around, including families with children who might be more likely to take part. I’m going to wait for better weather too, and will probably repeat the experiment a few times with different things on the arrows. I’m not expecting many people to follow them, but hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.