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I have had my last session at uni for the Spring term. I’ve suddenly realised that after the Easter break, there are only three weeks until the hand in of our dissertation and catalogue. This is nerve wracking stuff!

In terms of the dissertation – I think that is on track. Apart from one thing. My tutor has stated at the bottom of the draft I gave him – “are you a faux naive painter, a naive painter a ‘bad’ painter, a ‘good bad’ painter or a ‘bad bad’ painter?” I thought I was a ‘good bad’ painter who painted in a ‘faux naive’ style, but since looking at the likes of Philip Guston, who definately was a good bad painter, I really don’t think I can place myself anywhere near his level. The more I look at it, the more it appears that I am simply an artist with naive painting style. Oh dear.

We have all began planning in earnest for the MA show. It has all become a bit manic, as there is apparently some debate as to whether we are able to have a small space at Spike as well as at Motorcade/FlashParade.

A good thing, however, is that the fundraising secret postcard event is coming on really well. So far we have received over 80 postcards, and that is still with almost a month left to go! http://sixbyfourexhibition.blogspot.co.uk/