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Train 595
Paul Conneally 2012
Apprpriated Oasis Wet Foam and Pearl Headed Pins


Train 595 was recovered by myself and Maurice Maguire from a rubbish skip in a church graveyard.

Train 595some have already railed against my use of this train in representing it now as a new work or in fact representing it at all. I was called “ghoulish” and others have opined that it’s disrespectful. Its neither – it’s memory foam and pearl headed pins from a rubbish skip but much more too.

A friend worries: “What if the family of the dead person it was originally made for see it? Won’t they be upset?”

The truth is these trains are, according to florists, a standard pattern, a popular shape to temporarily memorialise children and men that love trains.

It’s not important which church yard it came from – it’s the one in your head right now.