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The spaces have nearly been completed. Much hard work has been put in by the technicians this last week. Students are collaborating on painting spaces and beginning to organize work to fit in.

Some recent developments in the upstairs studio have caused there to be reduction of space in the far left wall. This has dislocated a few students from their spaces but fortunately there was somewhere else they could display their work.

In terms of my personal degree show development, I have prepared a plinth to house the projector, DVD player and speakers. I have these available and will do some test runs in my area. I noticed at some points of the day the entrance in the workshop becomes too bright to have a projection so I discussed the possibility of installing a black fire curtain with John Wills.

I have cut my drawings to fit exactly in the prospective alcove I have drawn in for the technicians to build. Hopefully it will run according to plan.