Viewing single post of blog – Starting Point

As mentioned in my the last post, I find there something very intriguing about this office space’s inherent stage-like quality. It feels like a fitting space for a performance. With this in mind I asked to work with a dancer with a view to creating a performance together. Looking back on this now, I wonder what possessed me. Not only do I have very little understanding of dance, I was setting out to choreograph a piece set within the walls of a renowned dance organisation. If it wasn’t me in this self-created predicament, I’d probably find it quite funny.

My thoughts were to create a performance that highlighted the fact that here, in the office, there was a constant performance being played out. I spent three days observing the office with the notion that this would help me to plan a score of movement.

These three days, and subsequent conversations with Iris (the dancer) proved illuminating, and have been the real starting point for this project.

(As I am sure anyone reading this can work out, I am writing this blog a little down the line from the actual events.- It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realised that this collaboration between myself and an office worker/dancer might be of interest. I thought it important to start from the beginning, but I hope to get to a point where I catch up with myself and the project!)