Yesterday we started the day but talking about South London galleries and answering some questions about galleries in general and how to approach them which was really useful.
We had time to do some studio work over lunch and I experimented with my non-functional electricity pieces (pictured)
I the afternoon we heard from four more of our fellow artists again: Caroline Halford, Hannah Futers, Susanna Thornton and Sarah West
Carolines’s work has a wonderful spontaneity and formal aesthetic. She almost curates found objects in a way that give them a new power.
The sense of play and potential in Hannah’s work was really inspiring, she reminded me that sometimes we can become comfortable in our skills base and forget to learn new things. And how important that is.
Susanna’s Photography is very beautiful, she take quite abstracted pitures of night time, being more interested in colour and composition than the subjects of the photos. She made me want to get out the medium format again!
I’m fascinated buy the formal process Sarah engages in with her work, making composite painting from banks of hundreds of drawings from magazine sources that come together into a new fractured world. The value she puts on process and ritual within her work gives it an real integrity