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Another day in the cooler:

I been in the cooler a lot, and progress is being made, I am over half way through my second panel and completed Nunhead Cemetery. It has some nice trees.

I noticed that the more I work on it (the mosaic) the more I don’t want interuptions. The other meetings I have to attend, or the documents I need to write, the things I need to plan or go out and buy, all seem a nuisance. The planning decisions for other projects go round and round in my mind and I find myself unable to see what might be the right decision. I dont want to make phone calls or write emails, the continuation of more mosaic becomes overiding. Outside contact is to be shunned. A self imposed exile seems to want to creep into my world. It is a very small world in the cooler, yet a reluctance to connect with the outside needs to be overcome.

I’m not going back in there this evening, even though I want to prepare for a lettering modification. I’m not going in their tomorrow either.