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Invigilation (Part 1)


I came in early and have done the rounds, turning on a huge variety of technical equipment. Some people have left brilliant instructions, some people none. Some appliances (sorry Bo) due to my incompetence probably, have been rendered ineffectual and useless and inoperable and I’m apologetic and will try harder. We might be able to put it right with a pair of bolt cutters……

I can hear a few people shuffling round the studios, I can hear my own music in between the traffic, and the screams of another artist locked in the basement. Well, her film is anyway.

I’ve got my results, subject to the usual confirmations, and I’m pretty happy really. Especially as when I started two years ago there were moments I doubted I was up to the challenge. In a little while I am to be given feedback. Even though I know I did ok, I’m still apprehensive. As much I think, because who will keep me on the straight and narrow now? I will have to rely on the other people, not the Tutors With Authority. But then on the other hand, from now on, I can pretend everything is worth a distinction, and carry on smiling regardless!

Invigilation (Part 2)


Need a drink now.

Well that was very jolly. I feel well equipped to go into the world and be an Artist. I shall carry on rebelliously quilting, life drawing, shed building, singing, recording, and yes, performing… despite their dead-pan expressions the examiners were apparently impressed with my performance… it hit the spot! So onwards and upwards.

P.S. I’ve just shown Jo how to tie a new knot. She is far too excited by it. Don’t you love an artist with an obsession?