MEANTIME Project-Space
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Oxford Passage, off St Margarets Rd, Cheltenham, Gloucs, GL50 4EF
South West England

Play, and mess, have been important elements in the constructive experimentation that has seen Penny make and remake a series of improvised, site-specific sculptures during her month-long residency. Working with a wide orbit of combined materials both natural and synthetic, such as withy, bitumen and industrial paints, the structures have evolved from one decision to the next, tensioned and anchored within the asymmetries of the space, in a process that echoes familial relations.More at us at the residency’s concluding event on Saturday 3rd November, 4-7pm for a viewing of work produced and an opportunity for visitors to play and construct with sculptural materials. Family-friendly event – all welcome.