At the moment I feel both busy and at a gloriously free and loose end – enabling me to grant myself a bit of time to actually PROPERLY consider what I am doing, whilst at the same time making things which take time but require no headspace.
SPECTRUM now has 1085 labels. Which equates to 54.25 hours of meditative stitching.
I realised that much of my work is like this – there is an awful lot of preparing materials. Selecting bits and rejecting bits, ironing bits and sorting bits. All of which, theoretically, if I had an assistant, could be done by someone else. The thought of this horrifies me.
At quite short notice I am now showing one of my SOCKPAINTINGS in Leicester next week and had to deliver it today. I had forgotten what they were like and quite how much I enjoy intereacting with them. I think I will have to add to my list to explore making some more, as I don’t think I am quite done with them yet.
I can definately feel my boat going just a teeny bit faster……..