Blue Monkey Network at Towner
Thursday, January 31, 2013
College Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ
South East England

At Blue Monkey Network, we like to make opportunities for artists to meet and get to know some of the people who make things happen in the arts in Sussex. This month we’re pleased to introduce Lea Guzzo, Outreach & Participation Manager at Towner, Beatrice Rapley, Towner’s Education and Learning Manager, and Tom Curteis, Learning Coordinator at the Jerwood Gallery, Hastings. Lea, Bea and Tom will talk about their roles within their organisations, their plans for 2013, and ways in which their organisations work with artists. We hope you can join us for the evening and find out more about what’s happening in Sussex and how artists can get involved. If you’re interested in learning more about employment opportunities in gallery education and outreach, or if you just want to keep up with some of the exciting things happening in our area, come along and enjoy the evening with Network members and our guests. All wlecome. Free to Blue Monkey Network members; non-members £5. Blue Monkey Network is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.