‘Errant close knit formation flying’
Portsmouth March 7th
5:27 on two days in a row
think i am becoming tired
life fits round being artist
but being an artist is life
23:59 Artist
00:01 home life
24:00 Life
while walking home I make lists
List one: Yesterday 6th March in 11 steps
1. Accident: lock myself in upstairs toilet as catch fails
2. Phone cconversation: Desires to embedding confidences engaging with creatives
3. Observation: Slight tension negotiation
————– hiatus ————–
I start writing #PTSD monologe with twistin
————– hiatus ————–
4. Forlorn: Feel I have to hold back the waters rising
5. Bemused: amused not confused
draw a
straight line’
I believe them
7. Colouring book: Draw on computer without listening
8. Collect: South bound daughter from railway station in the dark
9. Return: West bound daughter to the railway station in the rain
10. Ironic: Reading railway delay tweets while railway delays on TV program appear
head on
r a d i o c a l l s m e h o m e