I have been working on some paintings that reflect my theme of manipulation and control. what is still happening in Guantanamo Bay, despite President Obama’s early promises is a shame on all of us. “Guantanamo Orange” is now a recurring colour in my paintings, as a reminder of this.
I have been trying to work in layers to build up images that interlink with each other. However there seems to be a religious or spiritual leakage in the paintings that was unconscious, and that I have tried to tone down, but part of me feels that in terms of manipualtion and control, it might be appropriate! In another tike I will focus more specically on this aspect, as a development of this theme, but i have enough to work on at the moment
Our Degree show will take place in the delightful Williamson Gallery, which has been refurbished. This is a real gem on the outskirts of Birkenhead, Wirral and it will be a priviledge to have our show there. Having a great venue available lessens the terrible stress of second year gallery practice, and lets one concentrate on the work.
I envy artists who know they are painters! I am working on 3d as well, which seems to be where I am more comfortable, but I continue to fight this Wouldn’t it be wonderful to serve time as an artist’s apprentice. So much to learn and so little time.
It has been an exciting, frustrating and envigorating and challenging journey at Wirral Met. In a way i can understand the feelings expressed by many of the 3rd years last year, about being very sad to finish, but there is also the sensation of the curiousity that has been aroused by the tutors and the course, that makes one yearn to explore and develop aspects that time and assessments hinder, while working towards a degree.