Putting my Audiences survey together really made me realise just how difficult creating an online survey is. I had originally thought I’d do a fairly simple and quick survey as a means to fill-in for the fact I hadn’t got round to editing last week’s show. But a survey like this is never going to be simple.
There are so many variables affecting people who might be willing to travel to See contemporary art. Every question needed to be talked about, rather than a simple yes / no, or multi choice answer that I have put up. It’s reaffirmed my belief in how conversations can reveal so much richer data than a simple tick box survey like the one I have posted onto http://creativedialog.wordpress.com.
Still I decided to plow ahead and I have put up onto the website a basic survey. I am not sure really what the results can tell us (At the moment the results are given us percentages) about the audiences who visit contemporary art in a rural area. In my discussions during putting the survey together its been emphasised that the reasons are complex (in both why people attend and why they don’t attend) and hard to pin down in.