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Great news! Thanks to a-n I have been awarded a Re:View bursary for mentoring during my new project which is currently in its infancy.

Following completion of a Fine Art MA in 2010 I have been undertaking a period of reflection on my practice, revisiting past projects whilst also making a substantial commitment to developing an artists’ network, Blue Monkey Network, based at Towner, Eastbourne. I am now taking the first steps to embark upon a major new personal project beginning with a period of experimentation and research throughout which I will be asking “What can we understand as “life” in the 21st century, when advances in bio-science and technology mean that scientists can create and craft living organisms, and the question What difference would it make if we never died? is no longer a hypothesis entirely based in fantasy.”

I am aiming to develop the project during 2013 -15. There will be various stages involved in its development including identifying appropriate organisations to work with during a substantial research period, production of a written research paper, presentation of work in progress and a mid-term talk. The project will culminate in an exhibition of new work, so an important aspect of planning will be to research and secure funding and an appropriate space for the final exhibition.

My Re:View bursary will pay a mentor/adviser who will work with me during this period to formulate and initiate a wider mentoring programme during the development of the project, introducing me to 4 expert advisers who will be able to offer specific support and advice according to each individual’s area of expertise. Thanks a-n!