Whilst in one of the charity shops I set my eyes upon baskets full of decorated teaspoons from various towns and countries. There was something quite unique about them which intrigued me so I decided I would buy several. This then gave me my own collection of spoons. I am now beginning to feel like a true collector, seeing as the day after I purchased my first lot of spoons, I went back the next day to increase my collection! I had a sudden urge that I needed them all!
At first I was excited to start using them in my work and was thinking about various ways to use them. However, as much as I liked the idea of them I didn’t feel like I connected with them in through my work. They were literally just spoons I had bought and called a collection. They had no personal meaning to me. Which is when I realised I was interested in the collection having a meaning to me. I think it needs to have a connection with me, for me to really work with them the best I can.