Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

I don't think a day goes by without the need to do admin. I was warned about this when we decided to set up studios. I nodded and agreed, but was totally unprepared for all the stuff I have voluntarily taken on.
Been trying to sort out the OctoberFest. This is our chance to put HMS on the map. Went to an NCan meeting on Monday night about the event. Realise we will have to work hard to connect with Nottingham studios as we are the furthest from the city centre.

I would really like to find sponsordhip for the materials for the installation. Spoke to the Arts & Business organisation and they think they may be able to help. Sent me more forms – ouch!
Whilst I was on the net I also looked up funding and found a few awards of under £500 which we might be eligible for. The catch – more tick boxes. But then no one is going to point at HMS and give us money.
Kat is developing the Standing Room and needs extra lights, so I really will need to get my admin hat on and apply to various bodies. Groan. I think I prefer making partitions.
BT finally turned up on Monday and installedthe line. Lori is sorting out broadband – so that's one form less!!
I keep thinking once HMS is up and running and on the cultural radar, I'll be able to do things like paint and draw and be totally disenchanted with my art.