Time is fleeting and soon my existence here will become but an ephemeral bright memory.
St. George's English Bookshop with its inimitable charm and weekly film showings. How I will miss you. This week it was WHEN A WOMAN ASCENDS THE STAIRS (1960) by Mikio Naruse, it is a film about Keiko, a bar hostess in Tokyo's Ginza district. At age 30 she is senior to almost all her colleagues. Her life is in crisis as she is nearly too old for her profession of tending to lascivious and drunk businessmen and pretending to enjoy it. Well yes a lot of the films are depressing, but so gratifying, satisfying, extending in so many ways. It is a whole enriching experience. The great people and the exhilarating ambience with the deep leather sofas, not to forget the books as well as the films, and tonight homemade delicious feta cheese and spinach sandwich wraps for 1 euro to go with the wine. What cosiness. One really feels amongst a like-minded coterie.
St. George's English Bookshop, Würther Strasse, Tuesday nights. Go there!