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i'm just about to sell out.

the lights didn't work when i came in this morning. i took

the momentary limping to run down to the shop and get the

local papers.

I'm thinking that if i stick around this county – allah

forbid – that i might live in this little town. hmmm.

I get rather excited when I see a notice that welcomes the

public down to the exhibtion i'm sitting in and the one

following that i've organized. yippee.

Man arrives to fix the lights. Sorted.

After a short while during which I have no recollection of

what I may have done. Phone calls?

Enter – man in green coat with shopping bags, reminds me of

the old men at my hometown church:
"Are there any pictures up stairs?"
"I'll come back…(and here I will tell you that I finished

his sentence with "…when there is something you'd like to

look at.")"
Exit – man in green coat with shopping bags, reminds me of

the old me at my hometown church.

I just want to come back, in July or August or whenever

there was another free week, take 4 days and hang up 10

slightly larger than A1 drawings. It would take me less than

7 days to make these drawings, without a doubt. I would

venture to guess, that if I advertised well. I would sell at

least one of them for somewhere between 100-300 quidsies. (I

have to write quidsies because there isn't a handy pound key

on my laptop.) So there it is, at once a personal challenge

and a public proposal. Everybody wins!! (Even though Mr.

Zerck is dancing in my ear again, holding up a hand drawn

sign stating "Sellout!" as cheerfully as blue smelly markers

can, his bushy eyebrows popping up and down.)

Enter – one of my favourite drawing students (whose actually

drawing skills are obscene – though I realize this is a

strange word to use – but his enthusiasm, actually that too

is in a constant state of decay, but he comes anyway…):
"I just parked across the street. It's great to see you in

"Well, if you are bored, I live here, I could come and

Exit – one of my favourite drawing student (whose drawing

skills are obscene – though I realize this is a strange word

to use – but his enthusiasm, actually that too is in a

constant state of decay, but he comes anyway…).

And then I had to go to a meeting.

And when I came back, I was gearing up to go for a run on

the seafront so the time flew.

I could sleep in this gallery. I am more at home here than

in my house (and just as cold).