Viewing single post of blog To the margins and taking risks


A long talk surrounded by sensory input from the smell of coffee and the buzz of nearby conversations.

The conversation with my third a-n Re:viewer Hen Norton, built on my review with Nicola Streeton and John Plowman, challenging me to consider and reconsider.

I think I know my context, who my audience are and who are engaging with my work. I believe I know how I invade the street, redefining the notion of canvas/stage. I am clear that once that is established, the process of offering an engagement with the world in new ways can become a positive act that stays with the participants.

But these public relationships are temporary. How do I capture longer lasting relationships with ‘my people’ as suggested by John and Nicola? Rather than being overawed by others’ work, perhaps I can find a mutuality of relationships between myself and other artists who inspire me.

Using social media as a toolbox to explore beyond the local, I might be able to populate my space with those mutually inspired artists and potential partners. As Hen says, crowdfunding is about building the crowd before the money. Though I achieved crowdfunding last year for the Flaming Skirt Festival, it did not expand my crowd substantially. Now to do things differently this year.