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I’ve had a stressful couple of weeks – getting used to the new routines with John’s NG tube. There have been numerous meeting with various specialists. Although it saved him from immediate danger I was left in no doubt that his condition was serious. I’m not sure that I wasn’t being ‘told off’ for not noticing the decline in his ability to eat and drink. Things have settled down but learning and remembering new routines is tiring.


As all this is going on I’m becoming more and more interested in beauty, and less and less interested in issues. I have enough issues without inviting them into the studio.

I’m so grateful that I have the studio, and that it’s been quite busy there – lots of catching up with the other artists. It’s good job that I see their achievements as inspirational!

I’m still working on a piece for the clothing-based group show. The show has been postponed (for a second time), it looks like it’s happening in February. Last week the quilted patchwork finally began to show it’s sculptural form. Until then I’d been working on the flat, now it’s a cylinder – it’s taken months to get to this stage. I have to admit that seeing the form lying on the table it looked more like a bolster from a old lady’s bed than a boxer’s punch-bag! Hopefully it’ll manage to refer to both when it’s finished.

The workmen developing the building at the front of the studios left the door to their temporary store open, everytime I see the space I can’t help but fantasise about it being my studio. It would make a great sculpture studio – I must start working out how to make it a reality…