The Cobalt Blue Contemporary Arts
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
9 Brindley Place(opp Ikon Gallery) Birmingham B1 2JB
West Midlands

When the artist creates, it is because he/she has something to say. The beginning of that conversation starts with an idea which progresses and develops as an art-form. This could be a painting, a sculpture, or a performance. Through the language of art, the artist starts a conversation, and offers it to any who are receptive. The viewer interacts with the work, debating its relevance or authenticity, continuing the communication. A point has been made and acknowledged. This form of communication can be direct but is often ambiguous, as the language is interpreted through your own social understanding.

Please go to our weblog or contact Zarina at: [email protected] for more information.