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I’m trying to finish this article and I keep thinking about how you put up tents. You lay the whole thing out flat on the ground so it’s more or less in the right shape, then you can get it standing, and then once it’s up you have to go round again tensioning all the pegs and lines until there’s no slack.

The trouble is I’m still laying out bits of my article on the ground this evening while other bits are quite nicely driven in with pegs. I’m hoping to get the whole thing up before bed tonight, then tomorrow morning I can go round tightening everything and checking the lines are taut. There are certain tensions I want to string up between words and images that recur in different sections of the text. The article would stay together without them, but it’d be a bit saggy.

There. An extended metaphor.

I’m exhausted tonight. All of us in the studios have had unproductive days for some reason, not for want of trying. It’s horrible being stuck at my computer when there’s all of Linz to explore. Once this article’s out the way I’m going to go up the hill I can see from my studio window and visit the castle at the very top. Apparently there’s some kind of grotto up there, and a train.