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i like infographics! this startling revelation came to me on the Facebook channel.

there i was … sipping tea thinking about research made yesterday when low and behold … infront of me was a post by susan about the infographic about the findings of the paying artists survey.

i got right into the discussion. susan posted emily’s map from the arty party bash and … well i was in an ecomonist’s Christmas come early dream senario . numbers to look at and compare.

i do have to say at this point that seeing all the info in those graphical terms makes it oh so much easier to digest. i enjoyed playing with the figures and sharing that play on Facebook.

i sometimes wonder if having a chat on Facebook is real. this is of course a generational thing as i’ve grown up with knowing very few channels of communication. there’s something about the Facebook channel that is less intellectually rigourous which in turn makes it easier to join in, says the dsylexic person of course.

and from recent research into worpress.com i discovered that one can link directly to a Facebook thread :


depending on privacy and friendship settings this may or may not be visible to you.

it’s not often that i get to chat with influencial people, so i have enjoyed this opportunity that the Facebook channel has made possible.