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Downgrading diatribe or sympathetic synthetic word synthesis?

Working alongside others is obviously a great experience – feedback, discussion, lack of isolation etc., but it also reminds me that I really seem to be painting in the wrong century. The students around me are etching vague scribbles, videoing themselves asleep in bed, and pushing the boundaries of their comfort zone. They are using phrases like "visual synthesis", "engage with the individualisation", and "space affecting space". Used out of context of course they are meaningless, but used in context I am still left considerably baffled, and nodding with that vague half-smile which is reserved specially for these occasions. I think it is dangerous to use phrases if you don't really know what they mean. If someone were to challenge your statement, you must be prepared with a ready answer.

I therefore am perfectly happy to keep both my work and my writing simple, at the risk of looking hopelessly unfashionable – but then I've never followed the "in" crowd, I've always sought to do everything my own way. Does anybody else out there have this problem? Or am I just hopelessly backdated? I'd love your comments please!

The reason I've suddenly become so theological is that I have started the 5,000 word dissertation, which as a final year student at our university, have to write on our practice. So far its really helped to make me look at my work in real depth.

Yesterday was a very productive day, the sun shone again and my paint box was pressed into active service from 1:30 until 10:30 at night, the result three good paintings, two okay and one just plain rubbish.