Forum for Artists in Chelsea and Kensington
Monday, January 20, 2014
London Sculpture Workshop, Unit 7, Bermondsey Project Space, 47 Willow Walk, SE1 5SF

We start 2014 with a special tour of the London Sculpture Workshop in Bermondsey.

We will be meeting Giles Corby and Jessica Mello, founders in 2012 of LSW, who recently have been awarded a Chelsea Arts Club Trust “Artist’s Run Space Award” and Melis van den Berg, the Studio Manager.

London Sculpture Workshop is the first, London based, not-for-profit space with facilities for artists and 3D makers. They will show us their facilities, explain how they work and as a first step of a collaboration with FACK! they will offer a 10% discount on membership and services for FACK members.

To be eligible to participate please register on our website